Originally Posted by bigfish9684
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
That's a flat lie, and you are a liar. I NEVER said anything about a ladder fall. Prove otherwise, you lying sack of shït.

It looks like I'll be up your way around the 4th. I really think we should get together.

Anyone so desiring can find your own posts, which you now can't edit and are WAYYYYY past deleting, that show me saying (might have been someone else quoting me, can't remember) your PTSD was from a car accident and you corrected and said it was from a ladder accident.

Anyone else checking my posts from today can find me quoting I think hatari with demonstrated proof of your self-contradicting lies with Steelhead also calling you out in the quote. You prey on the short memory of people here, asswipe. You wanna accept the terms of my bet offer, yet? And PM me when you get to downtown Bothell.

Total fabricated bullshit. You are, quite simply, making that up about the ladder. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are simply a confused idiot, rather than intentionally maliciously lying, for the moment, while you go search your little patootie off looking for that post, because here's the truth: it does not exist. Period. End of story. I've never fallen off a ladder, and my head injury happened in a car wreck, and I've NEVER said otherwise.

If you have a speck of honor, you'll do your searches, realize you screwed up, and apologize for calling another man a liar in what was, in fact a lie by YOU. I will give you the opportunity to do so. Got honor? Integrity? Prove it.


On a related note, stop and think for a minute what is happening here. Here we are, on a dedicated political discussion forum, talkin' politics, and for a "man" like bigfish it's so threatening to his precious lil' reality construct to have someone present conflicting opinions and interpretations that his head blows up and he starts making obscene posters of me and fabricating lies! That's no way for an adult to act! Folks, we are all looking at the same information here; and there's a lot of room for a person to form an opinion about what's going on, what seems most likely to be happening, and so on. Don't get so caught up in the preciousness of your opinion that you lose the ability to function! Because that's what's happening here. The magnitude of the cognitive dissonance resulting if Trump DID do these things appears to overwhelm many of you. Yet, any rational observer would be forced to admit that it sure does look at least possible- and personally I'd up that to probable- that there's a fire at the center of all this smoke! How can we NOT talk about this?!

Yesterday I got a couple of you to say that it's possible you are wrong. That's progress. Not progress towards me "winning", but progress towards being cognitively functional American citizens on this issue. This is far from over. If I'm right, a portion of US society is going to have its heart broken... it's gonna get ugly... I'm not trying to make that worse, or accelerate it. I'm trying to soften the blow and to open at least minimal lines of communication (see my .sig) here. WE are the ones who have to put this all back together. Not some transgender with a bone in his nose. US: the reasonable adults who are capable of conversing about difficult topics. We exist; there's a few here and what happened yesterday was progress towards that end.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two