Originally Posted by StarGazer
You can tell by the mediocre attorney Trump has employed for his defense that the end is near. Marc Kasowitz. is in so far over his head it's embarrassing. His press conference yesterday was laughable. His written response to Comey's testimony was replete with typos and misstated facts. Even his corrected version released today was full of mistakes. Kasowitz is the attorney who got crushed in the Trump University settlement. He's a half-baked divorce attorney from NYC. His other personal attorney Michael Cohen is a punchline in NYC legal circles. He's a traffic ticket attorney.

Four prominent firms all declined to represent Trump. The reasons were "he doesn't pay and he doesn't listen". No news here.

I've stated for months that Trump is incapable of defending himself and it will all come down on his head when the Republicans stop coming to his defense. So far they are hanging in there but it's getting harder each day.

The Mueller appointment is the kiss of death for Trump.

Speaking of mediocre attorneys, it's the inmate-renting, court case against the sheriff-losing, bet reneging, f*cktard D.A. from Modoc County, CA! Everyone say "Hi!" to Jordan Funk formerly known here as RobJordan before he lost his bet with Fubarski. C'mon down to Funkytown for some more wildly incorrect political predictions! We're going to get Funky!

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
