Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by hatari
Have you considered a very practical reason to get rid of Comey?

Think about this. Trump slides into office and finds that people working in the highest levels of government are all appointed by Obama, and are political partisan hacks leaking info and put in place to
1.) aid Hillary, but she's not on office
2.) are now Partisans acting as saboteurs "behind enemy lines"

Trump realizes that he must clean house. He gets the word from Sessions that Comey is not going to help, and will probably protect those imbedded, and needs to go.

This is all very plausible. For those of you not happy with Trump's progress so far, take this scenario to heart. Obama appointed a lot of little Progressive, Socialist anti-Capitalist bastards throughout the government and to the courts. The can do massive damage and it might be a monumental undertaking to clean that Obama crap up. In doing so, Trump can restock the government with people not bent on the destruction of America as we know. First, get someone at the FBI that will follow the Rule of law and not the Rule of Partisans, second, clean out the moles, leakers, and Progressive operatives still working for Obama, Clinton and Soros and that cause.

For the sake of intellectual exercise, let us NON Trolls look at the original humble post and see where we are a year and a half later

Coney is gone, and new recently declassified documents shine a bad light on the FBU. Leakers and Swsmp creatures remain a problem. Is this when the house cleaning starts? Question for those non trolls willing to think it over.

It would be impossible to clean the houses in question. They have to be torn down and rebuilt while an honest few carry on business from a temporary structure.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.