Seriously. THINK. Trump is not THAT different in practical effect from any standard Republican POTUS. Wow, so he's signed a tax cut and increased military spending a bit and nominates conservative judges. Big whoop.

I mean, he's clearly unsuited for the job, but whatever, plus, that wasn't so blatantly obvious as it is now 2+ years ago when your conspiracy is alleged to have begun. He was just a candidate. The dude is/was unworthy of a "soft coup".

But here's some actual REALITY: Russia, who is NOT our friend, staged a very successful intelligence operation with which they've thrown our democracy into total turmoil and dysfunction. At a bare minimum Trump himself- according to his freaking lawyer- engaged with and attempted to conspire with that operation. This isn't speculation or wild-eyed BS; this is now known, corroborated, public domain information, most of which has been for some time now.

If he conspired with them to damage our democracy then this is beyond huge. Yet you pawns are so indoctrinated and operating in an alt.facts bubble that you are aggressively ENABLING this act of pure treason.

If it turns out he conspired with them I hope he hangs and I mean that. In that case he'd be complicit in a society-altering attack on American democracy.

And I hate that elitist lying cünt Hillary Clinton. This has nothing to with that. This has everything to do with the likelyhood that a sitting POTUS participated on an attack on our democracy. And if THAT don't horn you up, go live in some other [bleep] country. Bet Putin would have ya.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two