It's not destroyed yet but it's crumbling. The demoncraps have ran out of fringe oddities of nature to "champion" for votes.

Those that aren't odd, like decent people of color be it black or brown, and also decent gays not of the activist bent, are drifting away from lieberal lunacy having seen and experienced the left has done nothing for them but brought problems to their doorsteps. They also understand what America was founded to be and they, as well as we, want it to be just that. And it can and hopefully will. There will be a culling of sorts that has to be done, as those foolishly espousing the greatness of socialism and advocating the destruction of the Constitution cannot go unconfronted and debunked and put to shame totally. They must become the pariahs today, that they were in the past because truth does not change but it can and has been stolen.

Our task is easy. Remind those on the left the vileness they embraced, having been tricked by good liars into believing in things like abortion on demand, open borders and sanctuary cities, homosexual legitimacy, unfettered welfare, and big government. They know the left pushed those things as gospel and are just now seeing it was the gospel of Hell. In time, maybe even JeffO will come to his senses about all these lies and leave the darkness for the light. Maybe.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.