Originally Posted by okie
I have a box of boolets that says Trump will not be impeached. Period... No other disclaimers. Future R congress or D congress does not matter as long as he holds office.

I will even sweeten that deal and offer your choice of bets.

I will put up ten boxes of bullets of your choice buy them now and place them in escrow.
The bet; Trump will not be impeached for anything he has done to date 5-25-17. This bet to be settled on 12-31-18..
You put up, since you posted to me a year ago that you would no longer engage in politics "because you sucked at it", your word that you WILL NO LONGER hold political discourse here on the Fire. You do not have to leave the Fire just no more politics for you...period ...

Now this is a stretch for me since you have already said once you would no longer be discussing politics (since you suck at it) and have not kept your word but I will give you the chance to be good and hold you to a gentleman's bet....Are you having any of it?

Well, that there contains the elements of the contract that Jeff has demanded. 1) a specific thing 2) a specific time 3) a specific payments. Easy to bog a thing down with a bunch of complications but that seems pretty straightforward. Certainly enough for 'these parts'.

Jeff, this is where you get to counter offer. Counter offer is not writing three paragraphs of BS either. Counter offer is saying something like, I'll take it but with a date of 2-15-19. Sure as you are I'd up the anti and say Trump is impeached by the July 4th, for 20 boxes of boolets...or I just leave forever. But that's essentially how offer counter offer works. I've not seen you make an actual offer that includes the elements of a contract as the above offer does.

Then Okie can agree or not. Or you can just man up and take a most reasonable and clearly defined offer, as presented above. I'll not hold my breath and doubt any others are either.

Liberalism; The impossible yet accepted notion that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.