Originally Posted by Jeff_O
For the record, collusion WAS shown to have occurred by the midterms.

No it wasn't,

you're connecting dots of your choice and manipulating it into your agenda.

But while Giuliani said Trump was mostly uninvolved in the discussions, Trump himself took credit for ending the deal last year, telling reporters multiple times that “I decided” not to pursue it.

For instance, he said on Nov. 29, 2018: “We had a position to possibly do a deal to build a building of some kind in Moscow. I decided not to do it. The primary reason — there could have been other reasons. But the primary reason, it was very simple: I was focused on running for president.“

your wetting your pants over some possible future building project, then trying to infer that's collusion involving an Election.

One hell of a stretch skippy...............

Just admit you hate the man, and move on with your life.