Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Arrogant... that smarts a little, I won't lie.

Let's flip it around. I'm one of the very few people on any of these threads who's said "I might be wrong..." and I've said it a bunch of times. And hells bells men-- I might be wrong! Maybe POTUS is totally innocent and this IS a deep-state character assassination. I've also said that if that turns out to be the case, this particular American Militia member stands ready to address that attack on our democracy by any means necessary up to and including armed revolution.

But, I don't think that's the case here. I think Trump is dirty.

So let's do an arrogance test find out who is and is not. I said it- "I might be wrong" right here. So your turn, guys. I'll help ya. Repeat after me, we'll take it slow:


Tell you what Jeff, I will and can admit I have been and will be wrong again and again before this life is over. I also learned from each of those mistakes.

I go forward in making decisions and judgement's armed with the wisdom of past mistakes, therefore I try a little harder to do my due diligence and limit my amount of mistakes.

You make the same mistakes over and over. Yet you call us fools and cowards.

I have spent the better part of my life as a political junkie, I have put the time and effort into informing myself and applying my critical thinking skills.

I do not believe I am wrong in this instance, probably am wrong about more than a few details though, I am not part of the Washington inner circle therefore I am speculating as are you.

I base my speculation on facts and evidence.

You base your speculation on what?? you claim you want discourse and a discussion yet you refuse to do so?

You are a hypocritical liar and yes arrogant as are many of your fellow liberal peers.

We are sick of your hypocritical behavior and lies.

I have no choice but to put you on ignore. Done with your games. GFY

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.