When he was a candidate, SOME of what he advocated was very intriguing to me; on top of that, I am a wholehearted supporter of populism as a legitimate political force, even when it results in a candidate I might differ with. Power to the PEOPLE, yo! grin So there were aspects of Trump that I was very positive about (which got me killed by liberal friends/family... holy crap... liberals are just as stuck in a bubble as conservatives, and as a customer of mine puts it: the only thing liberals and conservatives can agree on is that they hate moderates!) smile

But I digress. My point was that while I liked "some" Trumpisms, I disliked others, but I most definitely detested his personality and had great trepidation about how it would translate to POTUS. As we can see by things like that comment TO THE RUSSIANS OF ALL PEOPLE those fears are correct: he's a disaster on that level. No impulse control, no thinking ahead, just an overwhelming childlike desire to brag and impress... its appalling. Those who said he was playing 3D chess? Wow. Just wow.

But I'll put this out there even though again, it works against my hypothesis that he's going down for collusion and resultant obstruction... and again, I'll say this because it appears my numbskull "conservative" jousting partners here are too obtuse... him saying that actually is one of the few signs that I have seen that he might, personally, be innocent of the collusion. I mean if it turns out he isn't, saying that to THE RUSSIANS OF ALL PEOPLE was collassly stupid... but if he's innocent it's not SO stupid, just your basic stupid. That doesn't mean elements of his campaign didn't; but it's certainly possible that HE didn't.

But boy oh boy was that stupid.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two