Originally Posted by Jeff_O

At least now we know Trump's response to people who lie to the FBI and commit perjury while ruining honorable people's careers in the intel services. There's your law-and-order guy in action. Laffin'. Could it.... gasp.... be a signal to others that if you lie to the FBI and commit perjury there will be a pardon awaiting?! Naaaaww. That's crazy talk.

Separately, thank GOD we have a stable genius who doesn't telegraph his moves serving as CiC. Whew! Imagine if he was a loose cannon who's "core beliefs" simply (and comically) blow in the daily Fox & Friends winds, and who apparently couldn't help but tweet threats and taunts at Russia....... that he later had to backtrack from. That would be embarrassing! So thank goodness we've got this bastion of mental stability and pure unadulterated genius in charge. I'll sleep like a baby tonight.

You DO realize the wheels are coming off the cart...? Oops. Forgot I was dealing with retards.

I don't even have the heart to go see what mental gyrations you idiots are putting yourselves through to rationalize this clown-show today. Too pathetic. Too depressing. Too predictable. Plus, you'll need a day or two to get all lubed propagandized up by the people manipulating you. I'll wait. I've waited this [bleep] long. crazy

You sleep like a baby...... so you're a thumb sucker who wets the bed?

Be Polite , Be Professional , but have a plan to kill everybody you meet
-General James Mattis United States Marine Corps

Nothing is darker than a mau mau's moo moo.