The Clintons are all about themselves. They are greedy corrupt criminals but they have been open about it. The press has protected them and the democrat party will die fighting for them. The republicans have sheepishly allowed them to create an empire for themselves. The democrat party has devolved over the years and are openly showing us what they are. Things are getting sticky because the republican establishment has devolved as well. No longer can they follow the democrat lead happily voting against stuff they know well has no chance of becoming law. When they have the chance to actually do what they previously voted for they reveal their existence to be a lie all along.

Jeff Sessions would not have been my pick for that position. It is a highly visible contentious position. He was a member of the establishment and having been one of the first to jump on the Trump train he has had to recuse himself from the first attack of the presidency. The democrats and never Trumpers will stop at nothing they think will bring his presidency to an end. Make no mistake this is a fight to the death for power and those that are used to wielding it will not relinquish easily.

To my mind Trump would have done well to learn from Obama the art of keeping your enemies off balance. I would have put a dogged fighter in the justice department. All of Obama's appointees will have to be unapologetically removed from position by any means possible and replaced. Literally decades of liberal appointees have burrowed into place and are able to wreck havoc on the country and any administration that does not hold their view of governance.

Trump has made some good appointments but is having a hard time getting them through the senate. Even some of his own party are holding hostage some appointments to the judicial for monetary reward. This is inexcusable. He has also reversed some of obama's executive orders but there remains a mountain of things to be done. We didn't suddenly wake up in this [bleep] storm, it took years to build to this point and it won't get resolved any time soon. It will take a lot of work starting with the electorate and that is us.

It will have no chance of getting better until enough people in each state take ownership of the country and retire the buffoons that have become entrenched in power and replace them with people that are willing to follow the oath of office they all take when elected. We are going to have a monumental task of educating our fellow voters to vote with the constitutions original intent in mind instead of the democrats view of abandoning it. The government has grown exponentially over the years and it must be cut down to size. It will be an awful lot of resistance from those nursing the tit but it must be done.
