So, I'm working today in the shop, cutting bearing pockets to a tolerance of a couple ten-thou as it happens, because I'm gonna take a couple days off early in the week to go slay fish and I don't want to feel guilty. While engaging, it does leave me some time to reflect on my many faults. On that note, I feel I need to do a better job explaining to Raeford the significance of a process crime in this specific case.

But first, now I'm worried that some here will feel I'm not practicing nonconfrontationalisticisms by mentioning I'm doing precision machine work for a high rate of pay. Guys, I KNOW for a fact that whatever work it is you do, it is meaningful! It's manly! It has VALUE. It's difficult, at least for you, because I know you want to achieve excellence just as I do. And I SALUTE your contributions to this fine nation's economy!! Salute!

Ok, so, process crimes. If the process being undertaken by LEO's is insignificant, such as let's say figuring out who's dog pooped on the sidewalk ILLEGALLY.... then yes, to prosecute for a process crime, in this case lying about one's dog shït, would be silly.

But now let's imagine something different. Let's imagine that a foreign adversary mounted an attack on the single most foundational principle of our democracy, namely free and fair elections. Without which, we'd be a banana republic. Let's further say that some unpatriotic Americans helped in this attack. I'd say that would bear investigating, wouldn't you agree? Good. (side note: This whole nonconfrontationalism stuff is sooooo much better than arguing in that regard!) At any rate, in such a case, process crimes- particularly impeding said investigation or even outright lying to investigators- becomes a pretty big deal, right fellas? It's literally interfering with an investigation into an attack on America! Man, that just gives me the all-over willies. In addition, of course, though I would never presume that the folks around Trump are anything but fine, upstanding, patriotic Americans I think we all have to agree that lying to impede the investigation of such an attack does make one seem a tad bit guilty. I mean, I wouldn't lie to the FBI investigating an attack on America! Nor would you fine people. Yet they did. It has a bad look to it, is all I'm saying.

So, friend Raeford, it turns out these process crimes are about as serious as a heart attack.

Sure is great sharing thoughts and most importantly FEELINGS with y'all as we search for the evil perpetrators of this attack. You guys are the BEST and I value our relationship beyond my meager abilities to express. Have a great day, guys!

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two