By the way, you guys do realize that what I posted above- as if it took that post, but whatever- demonstrates collusion, right? You know, just the thing you guys denied happened? Do I need to go back to the beginning of this thread and mine all your statements and put them in your faces like a pup getting potty trained?

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

I mean, I just assumed you've all conceded this, but sometimes I forget the level of pure retardation around here.

WTM45, if only vast conspiracy takedowns by the criminal justice system ended with the first indictment, you might have a point. They do not, thus, you do not. What he said was true OF THAT INDICTMENT.

More broadly, all y'alls invocation of "TDS" is getting increasingly hysterical in tone. It's also deeply, deeply ironic.... but I don't expect you double-digit IQ peeps to understand why. wink

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two