Originally Posted by hatari
<That's a good start, but I hate to know that California will seed Oregon with another 100,000 Leftists next year.

You know, JeffObama has a point, Trump is a ([bleep]). What he refuses to acknowledge publicly or privately it that Trump is the result and not the cause.

- Obamas race baiting caused Trump. Obamas abuse of Executive orders caused Trump. The Clinton machine orchestrating the candidacy of perhaps the most disagreeable woman in politics (that says something) is the cause. Trump is the antidote to the Alinsky tactics that the Clintons brought to Washington and that Barack Obama was all too familiar with with to carry the tactics on. The Left was willing to go to any length to get
Hillary into office, and as we are finding out, the did and failed.

Do you recall those reports during the transition of Obama hold strategy meetings for the Democrats in Washington on how to deal with Trump at the birth of the "Resist and Obstruct" movement? I'd never heard of such before. We have elections, the loser bows out, the outgoing President leaves with little fanfare, and the new guy gets a honeymoon period to win people over and get things accomplished. Why would the Democrats need high level strategy meetings with the outgoing President? Seems to me you regroup and win the next election...unless you have been breaking the law and have a huge fear of getting caught, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned!

Obama and the Clintons suddenly found themselves in a position of needing an unexpected and urgent cover your ass campaign. they were dirty, and had to bury the evidence and the bodies asap. They need a smoke screen and as many diversions to keep the spotlight off of what they had done as fast as possible. Hence they used what they had at hand. The Steele dossier, which turned out to be nothing to help the campaign, the Podesta think tank found a way to spin it into Trump collision. They figured that the GOP was stupid enough to play by the rules, get Sessions to recuse himself under pressure and appoint a Special council. The Dems knew the GOP had nothing to hide, so would go along. After all, they were not guilty of anything so why resist? The Dems know that once they the SC starts digging, they can find "something" - some technicality to nab somebody on. ("I'm shocked to find gambling in this establishment!") The Dems know where they have griends (Rosenstein, Comey, Clapper, Brennen) who will cover for them. He JeffO, I'll give your people credit, they are smart! Crooked, but devilishly cleaver.

Remember the the famous HRC Qoute: “If that [bleep] bastard [Donald Trump] wins, we all hang from nooses"? Want to explain that one, Jeffy? How about the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page text? Want to explain that one. How dirty is Andrew McCabe in all of this? This is real [bleep], not drummed imaginary collusion fairytale stuff dreamed up by John Podesta and his band. I suppose, JeffO leaves the discussion at this point for some TUMs.

JeffO and his contemporaries were shocked to get beat by a crude individual like Trump when Hillary was a shoe in. He was numb and denial for the transition. He became angry when the realization set in. He was hopeful when the MSM started floating this collusion crap out there and now that Trump has stymied the Leftist offensive and winning on all fronts, he's becoming angry and depressed. The AG report will blow the Democrat onslaught and turn the heat on them as the abuses of the Clintons and the Obama Admin come to light.

At that point, the go into Novembers election with little momentum and no message other than "we hate Trump". That might get them a few House seats, but where are they getting Senate seats? People are working, unemployment is down, America is seen as strong overseas. The NORKS are negotiating, the Mullahs in Iran are [bleep] their bedsheets, ISIS is crushed, Eastern Europe has rejected the flood of Muslims and in the process of rejecting the EU. Hell, even France is working with us. How must it feel to be Leftist Globalist at see even +France working with Trump? Trump is making headway with Xi in China. Note negotiating in the Clinton/W. Bush/Obama manner when you give China whatever they demand no matter how serious the damage tot eh US is. I mean negotiating with OUR best interests in mind. Trump is getting Xi to pressure Kim. This has NEVER HAPPENED! Not Nixon, Reagan or GHWB, certainly not Bill Clinton W. or Obama have achieved and progress with them. The Mullahs in Iran have been mocking US Presidents since Carter. They feared Reagan but screwed with him through proxy - i.e Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. Think the Mullahs weren't behind the Marine Corps barracks bombing in Beirut? They don't dare try that [bleep] with Trump.

Yeah, JeffObama is not happy about having Trump, but he refuses to suffer in silence. He must throw his fit in public. He has so much mental angst over the outcome of the last election, he doesn't realize that he was the cause of his own misery. If his side had given us Joe Biden, there would have never been a Trump. If the Dems had run Al Gore in '08 (reminder - 2000± votes in Florida in 2000 was all that kept him out then) Al Gore would have been President over Romney and there would have never been a need for Trump. When the septic tank backs up into your house, you don't call a wedding planner, you call a plumber. A plumber is used to wading in crapola and cleaning it up. JeffObama's people flooded our country with Leftist crap, and the voters picked a plumber that was willing to clean it up.

You coulda just said, "GFY".