You keep ignoring this quote, you wrote it, own up to it halfwit.

Originally Posted by Jeff_O

I will do this ONE TIME so listen up <g>. I do not argue politics anymore. I do not FOLLOW politics anymore. I sucked at it anyway <g>. I'm done with that [bleep].

I did not vote for Obama in 2012. I voted for the party who's platform most closely aligns with my personal bitches' brew of politics, which is Libertarian. I will be following that path for the foreseeable future. I cannot abide either the Democratic or Republucan party platforms.

DocRocket, I'd say I got 90-something percent of the way back. It was a doozy. From there, it's about compensation and adaption and MOVING FORWARDS. If you have a patient so stricken, I found highly aerobic exercise to be a huge benefit in alleviating the anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms.

Thanks for well wishes from those who sent them. I'm not hanging around for the beat down. Enjoy---

That's ok, I'll ass shoot a dink.
