Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Russia hacked into Hilary's unsecured server and gave that information to Wikileaks. Wikileaks then released the information they received from Klintons unsecured, illegal server to the public and the public didn't like what they saw. Russia and Wikileaks did what journalists used to do before they became the democrats propaganda ministry. All of the information released by Wikileaks was true and the democrats didn't want us to know the truth, fearing that if we knew the truth we'd not vote for a corrupt, lying POS like Hilary. If the democrats really want to pin the blame on someone they should pin it on Comey for stepping outside of his role as FBI director and making decisions that were beyond his pay grade. Ex AG Lynch should never have met with WJC on a private plane during her offices investigation of the Klintons. There's lots of blame to assign and NONE of it is Trumps fault. I am disappointed in Gen. Flynn, I would've thought a guy that served his country in the capacity he did to be more honorable than he proved to be.

JeffO could try to refute the facts I just laid out but he won't because he's a democrat and democrats don't care about the truth, in fact they HATE the truth almost as much as they hate America. It's easier for the democrats to keep yelling and screaming their lies because they think everyone is as gullible and dishonest as they are.

I will say that if Trump colluded with Russia he should be impeached pronto but the facts of the multiple investigations have proven that he DID NOT collude with Russia so anyone that says he did is a lying sack ofshitt. A partisan lying sack ofshitt.

I agree that in some ways, Wikileaks has taken the mantle of what investigative journalists supposedly used to do. The problem is, they aren't journalists, and don't do ALL the things journalists are, in a perfect world, supposed to do. Journalism isn't about info-dumping and it's not about partisan targeted attacks. CLEARLY, some elements of the MSM have lost the right to call themselves non-biased; my wife and I just marveled at the obvious bias in the MSM this election cycle. It was pathetic. I don't like Trump, never have, but in the runup to the election it was shocking how elements of the MSM weren't even trying to act unbiased. There'd be pics of the two candidates, and trump would be in funny colors, weird expression on his face, etc... Clinton would be gloriously lit and staged, red white and blue in the background...

The MSM also did a terrible job of seperating out the wheat from the chaff with the fake news (the real fake news) aimed at Clinton. She's a witch and has done some bad things- but you won't hear much about it on the MSM. The problem is, over on the other side, y'all went poo-flinging-monkey wacko full-retard CRAZY with your accusations and allegations. It was frankly embarrassing to see how easily many folks were hoodwinked by the fake news stuff and by the supposed evidentiary pyramid against her- going back to like Foster and Blackwater- much of which was silly. Not all, but much, and it destroyed the credibility of the alt.right "news".

So we aren't so far apart on all of that, really.

Your last paragraph is where we part ways. The "multiple investigations" have proven no such thing and you are basically making that up- doing what you accuse me of doing. To the contrary, the multiple investigations are ongoing. What has been leaked does not look good for Trump and his associates. Trumps actions look really desperate. I think the reasons it hasn't come to a head yet are that the intel they have, if just laid out, would compromise friendly assets and techniques and they are loathe to do that until/unless they really need to. You know how investigations work. They can know something happened, but to make it stick, they gotta dot i's and cross t's. That's compounded by what I think is also true here- that to just dump the evidence damages their methods and assets. On top of THAT, [bleep] dude, imagine trying to investigate a sitting POTUS!

So, they build the case patiently and with end-arounds. Takes time.

Glad to see we agree that if there was collusion it's impeachable. It'll be interesting to see if any of the dirt sticks to him or if it'll be confined to sacrificial underlings.
Liberalism is itself a mental disorder, but beyond that, you should go get your head read. Nobody in their right mind keeps coming back to a site where they're not wanted and where they continuously get their ass beaten. Get some help.