And I see you're still a lying sack of shït, jorge. wink

Put this in your pipes and smoke it. All y'all have been canonizing Napolitano. Still? Read it and weep. Numbnuts is handing Mueller "corrupt intent" on a platter because he cannot STFU. And he cannot STFU because he's convinced his ever-shrinking "base" will believe whatever misinformation he spouts. To his point, y'all DO slurp it up like a certain porn star.

(Ewww..... wipe your chins, guys! Is a LITTLE self-respect too much to ask of you?!)

Read it. Dare ya.

Here's a little elucidation (from elsewhere) since you're [bleep] retards:

"As the gravity of Trump’s outburst becomes clear, you’ll hear his attorneys and surrogates brush it off. They’ll say that tweets prove nothing about obstruction of justice, because tweets are just words—Sessions still has his job—and tweets are public, which is the opposite of a conspiracy. But none of that matters. Legally, the tweet sheds light on a specific question: Trump’s attitude toward the administration of justice. It shows that his motivation in attacking investigations is corrupt. It illuminates everything—the scramble to protect Flynn, the efforts to corrupt Comey, the hounding of Sessions, the attempts to fire Mueller—that happened behind closed doors.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two