Man, the insanity on the left is truly amazing. I can't believe this thread is still going. I can't believe people honestly think this Russian nothingburger is relevant. I can't believe anyone cares a rat's ass about the TV news, either, though, but apparently they still do, despite the manifest proof that TV news is infotainment at best and not real news.

I can't believe so many Americans are so stupid, illogical, uninformed, and politically vindictive, but the evidence is right there for all to see. Jeff and Stargazer, y'all are truly delusional. You guys wouldn't have survived the first week of law school.

Guess I'll check back and see what nonsense is being spouted here in a couple more weeks. Once every 2 weeks is about all I need . Sorta like watching a soap opera... nothing changes in a hurry.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars