
Let's get serious. What did you have for an alternative? Another crooked New Yorker? A power hunger bitch that makes Evita Peron look humble? An alcoholic that verbally abuses everyone in her inner circle, a woman that whose own husband won't live with her?

You are really going come on this forum and tell us how Hillary Rodham Clinton is the moral and ethical superior to anyone...ANYONE...??

You might have some credibility if your Party ran Joe Biden, and you wanted to tell that Ol' Joe would have toned down the rhetoric and it would be business as useful (god forbid), maybe you'd have a modicum of street cred. Face the phoucing facts, even the Democrats hate Hillary. Got it? Let me remind you that that DEMOCRAT voters hate her so much they chose an unknown one term Senator from Illinois named Barack Hussain Obama over Hillary in 2008. They did NOT turn out for in the Rust Belt in 2016. Even DEMOCRATS HATE her! Got it?

So what you got for me, big fella? Trump sux? Trump is a liar? Trump Russia. Dude, get real! Back atcha in spades. Your Party ran the crookedest bitch in politics on planet Earth (Urth according to Gus) and she failed. You don't like Trump? Tough Chitt! Your Party blew it! Live with it! I repeat, you phoucers blew it! You let a reality show, real estate mogul beat "the smartest woman in the world". You screwed up! Now you got to live with it for EIGHT YEARS!

Take the House next week? (doubt it) Congrats. See my other post about how YOUR PARTY will phouc themselves into irrelevancy. Look at the money YOUR Party is slinging at the various races and not winning. By all traditional metrics, the Dems should take the House by 20-30, and that won't happen. Slipping in by 2-5 might be a victory, but in reality, that will be the high tide mark, barely assuming power in the House Your lack of leadership and positive message will not inspire the middle 20% of voters. Any plays to impeach, investigate or stall the Trump agenda will turn off the middle swing voters. IF the economy stalls between now and 202, all Trump needs to do is blame it on the Dems in the House, and out you go for the next dozen years. Dwell on that sobering thought. (Sober. Try it.)

Sorry to rain on your parade big boy, but your cut and paste campaigns are predictable and shallow. It reeks of desperation. What do you do should the GOP turn back historic norms and keep the House? Double up on your Vicodin? Grow more weed for personal consumption. Whatcha gonna troll us on? Trump lied? Trump is crooked? WHO DID YOU HAVE TO OFFER AS AN ALTERNATIVE? Your Party invested EVERYTHING into Hilalry Rodham Clinton, and with her failure, your Party is politically bankrupt. Ponder that.Your Party dropped the ball, it was 16 years in the making and you failed the test, and now you need to take your medicine.

Actually, great advice for you. Please, take your medicine. I mean that.

Last edited by hatari; 11/04/18.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo