Well... it appears that Mueller will be going all-in on obstruction.

I have VERY mixed feelings on that. Without going too deeply into it, because I got work to do, the summary would be that they (the intel folks) had DAMN well better have some solid evidence on collusion, or else this starts to reek of exactly what many here have feared: a deep state witch hunt.

As I've said, I think they do have this evidence. I believe that there was collusion by someone in the campaign. If that is true- and I said "if", then obstruction charges are absolutely warranted because clearly, The Don fired Comey over Russia, and it appears the noob sumbitch might've also tried the Nixonian ploy to recruit other agency heads into his efforts to stymie the FBI probe. Oops. Anyway, IF it's a legit, evidence-based investigation, then it seems clear that he tried (and failed rather miserably) to obstruct it.

But if it isn't so clear as that; if the intel folks only have vague notions or suspicions, then they stretched this whole thing out way too long, leaked way too much innuendo and taint, and in fact basically entrapped a naive and innocent man.

So in a sense we are right back where we started. If the Trump campaign is guilty, then this is all very much justified and patriotic and correct. If the Trump campaign is innocent, then this is a Deep State takedown fully deserving of 2A remedy.

Yowsa. sick

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two