Originally Posted by Fubarski
Apparently, you also flunked logic 101, in addition to your many other unchievements.

Nothin arrogant bout the burden of proof bein put on the party startin the shat.

You've wasted all this bandwith, and the only thing that's been proven is that you're a lying POS.

If you actually have any proof, not BS speculation, about President Trump's malfeasance, you would have posted it well before now.

Just like any legitimate evidence, or even a fakenews "leak", about such malfeasance, would have been brought forth by now.

But there's nothing.

Was there's rules on this site, you'd hafta start alla your posts with: "Once upon a time"

Your manic phase won't last forever. You'd better get busy findin the truth to bring down a president. LOL

I don't need to find the proof. Others have, and are, and I pay them with my tax dollars. I get to do things that are considerably more fun- such as point out your utterly blind partisanship in this matter.

Prove me wrong! It's easy and I'll show you how. It starts with "I".....

By the way, in seriousness, if you are designing high-rises and so on, that's impressive stuff. Though you do need to read what I wrote more carefully. wink

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two