That cabinet meeting... oy... that is one egotistical dude right there. crazy Who would even WANT that?!

It'll be interesting to hear what Sessions has to say today. I think he'll be combative, but ultimately when it's boiled down to it's essence, he's an honorable man who's not going to die on Trump Hill... but we shall see.

The new, sudden vitriol arising from the Right against Mueller is surprising and dismaying to me. This whole affair really is just going to "go there", isn't it?.... it's gonna go full-retard in terms of partisan conspiracy theories...... Gingrich is winding up the tin soldiers, and yes they will march... great. Just great. Anyway, surely Trump's people understand what a mistake firing Mueller would be... Congress would just re-appoint him outside of his purvey... but then again this is Trump we are talking about. crazy

I think his legal team is looking at the situation... looking at who's across the table... looking at the evidence they know, but we do not (yet)... and they are pissing their pants. As is The Don. But I could be wrong. Maybe there's nothing there at all, and it's all just a Deep State conspiracy. Attack of the Swamp People!! Gaaaa!! Run for you lives!

Bigfish... come back... it was just a joke, bro....

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two