Originally Posted by Jeff_O
I agree that Flynn is the vector. We now KNOW he broke laws. He's already asked for immunity. They're gonna squeeze and he's gonna squawk.

As all-seeing and all-knowing as I am, it's still not clear to His Jeffness if Mr. Trump even knew about what "campaign members" were up to. If I were going to poke holes in my own general argument, which I guess I will since you lame-asses apparently can't, it'd be that: it was a chaotic campaign, and Trump can't reasonably be held responsible for every swinging dick who jumped on the bandwagon. That's a reasonable proposition and a more nuanced POTUS might've gone that route. Ours, being not-nuanced, has opted for.... what, "confused knee-jerk counterattack" maybe is a fair way to put it?

I think the coverup is gonna be worse than the crime. But it's too late. The die are cast....


What laws did Flynn break? I see it reported that he MAY have broken the law. Where's the charge and conviction?