Originally Posted by plainsman456
I am afraid that the way he is posting about this non-crime he might never get it.

What i wonder is this:What will happen to his sanity when NOTHING about talking to the scary russians is/was illegal?

he will need stronger meds for sure.

Just listen to how your position has changed. A couple months ago I was a nutjob for saying there was collusion. Now you've morphed to essentially admitting it but NOW, suddenly, the "Right" in America are the DEFENDERS of the idea that to get in bed with Russian intelligence to affect an election is no big deal, and that the resulting POTUS ain't tainted.

That is, just to be blunt as I can be here, SHAMEFUL.

And you will own this if you keep going down this path, guys. You don't get to walk it back. You choose to defend that behavior as ok, then you have lost all credibility as patriots. Forever. In print. Searchable. Right here. Choose wisely my friends. The lying POS does not rate such fealty.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two