Jeff-O, I assume you reside in PDX proper or the west side, maybe even the hills overlooking the Portland skyline. Not all Oregonians feel as you...One does not have to be a Fox viewer for labels of ignorance to be handed out by liberals who feel superior because they watch MSNBC or CNN. It’s whichever vacuum you prefer.

Some, networks do a better job trying to explain the clean up process required in government, like Fox, then the Leftist networks who just want us to continue to live in a filthy house created by 8 years of elitist entitlement governance that now don’t want their dirt exposed by the current administration.

As an Oregonian, I’am ashamed when Portland makes national news for the destruction and protests performed by the radial left. Most who participate is these acts of violence to property and person are NOT even a registered to voter. No surprise. They Left enjoys these types of people. This is really their base. Radical. Handout Seeking. Violent. And Social Media Opressive to anyone who challenges them for change in a new, correct direction...😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”