What it brings into focus is Trump's apparent belief that if HE wants something to be "true", he can, by force of personality, make it so.
If so, in that regard you could be twins.

Did you see where your homosexual, obama, directed the FBI to keep him apprised of the FBI treason to subvert the election on or before Sept 2, 2016. Then he goes on national TV to claim he has no knowledge about FBI business. Now of course, it is not typically FBI business to subvert elections, unless their boss, the POTUS tells them to, which obviously he did.Zero's going down and hopefully all the lieberals with him.

There is no special prosecutor in this situation, only a worn out old man who is going to be spending the rest of his life behind bars, and given the number he put there, that life will not be long.

Chit is piling up all around you, Jeffy and yet you speak of morals, of which lieberals have none. I see the most immoral among you started taking about morality a few months ago. Are you just now getting the message. The most moral thing, they or you could do, would be to suck start a Glock. Go for it.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.