Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Yep. Some of you guys are literally an embarrassment. Congratulations?


"House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. - who spent endless time on the Benghazi investigation - was the only one on the Intelligence Committee to see the underlying intelligence. He gave Nunes's effort a failing grade. "As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller," he tweeted. "The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation." "

Bwa ha ha. It's good thing all y'all are so [bleep] delusional or you wouldn't be able to look at yourselves in the mirror without laffin'. Which is what I'm doing right now: laffin'. At YOU. Jesus wept. crazy

You are the delusional one. Nobody says this memo is about the phony Russia/Trump connection. This is about the intelligence community, the DOJ, the Clintons/the Obama admin using the power of the government to unlawfully spy on a political adversary. A separate, and far more compelling story.

Your idiotic rants and spins are unmasking you as the far Left Troll you are, no longer a sleeper troll here. You and Paddler and DJS and Greygoat, and Dumbtruck are outed as the Campfire 5th column. As it becomes more obvious that your vision of a Socialist Utopia under Rodham the 1st will never be, the reality of Trump unsettles you more. As he advances his agenda, as the market and economy boom, as he step by step undoes the damage inflicted by your Hate America First Citizen of the World Barack Obama. The more frantic and nonsensical your posts become. Democrat spinmeister talking points hot off your email. Alinsky at work "press the negative until it breaks through, ridicule as a weapon, keep the pressure on. Problem is, Trump is doing the same to you and is better at it. Go on, love on Van Jones, Anderson Cooper, or Butchy Madow. They will absolutely come unglued when the GOP retains the House and gains 3-4 seats in the Senate this Fall. See, people want security and a strong economy. Trumps OWNS that right now, so "Bwaahaahaa!" right back atcha.

Last edited by hatari; 02/04/18.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo