Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Arrogant... that smarts a little, I won't lie.

Let's flip it around. I'm one of the very few people on any of these threads who's said "I might be wrong..." and I've said it a bunch of times. And hells bells men-- I might be wrong! Maybe POTUS is totally innocent and this IS a deep-state character assassination. I've also said that if that turns out to be the case, this particular American Militia member stands ready to address that attack on our democracy by any means necessary up to and including armed revolution.

But, I don't think that's the case here. I think Trump is dirty.

So let's do an arrogance test find out who is and is not. I said it- "I might be wrong" right here. So your turn, guys. I'll help ya. Repeat after me, we'll take it slow:


We are all fulla schit and admitting you might be doesn't make you less so.

Nobody has a phuqcking clue what is really going on but that'll stop no one from turning in to a phuqcking political professor. Our values drive our beliefs not facts so until someone here, anyone anywhere, can separate the two were just talking to here ourselves talk.