The walls are closing in on this House of Lies Trump spent a lifetime building around himself. It's almost pitiful to watch. One after another; lies lies lies. Gosh golly, could he be lying about collusion, too?! Naaaaah. That's just big ol' Angry Democrat Rigged Witch Hunt.

Did any of you actually believe the things you used to pay lip service to? Such as: words matter... the rule of law... actions have consequences... only dumbass sheeple let themselves be manipulated by the media... and stupid games should win stupid prizes? I mean *I* believed those things, and one reason I used to come debate you guys here was I THOUGHT I was among others who also believed that.

It was all a buncha CRAP. You have no moral compass. You aren't patriots. You don't believe in any of that stuff. You're just conspiracy-addled pawns of the media.

Couldn't be more disappointed in all y'all. Without a functioning "Right" we are well and truly fücked. Good job guys.

Now prove me wrong by locating your compasses, your brains, and your [bleep] manhood again once Mueller rams the PINO's lies up his ass. I dare ya. But you won't. You'll just whine and make excuses and blame everyone except who's actually to blame: Trump, and your own dumb asses.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two