Howdy folks. Been a while.

I was curious how many here saw the HIC's declaration of no collusion to mean..... well, anything.... but I just didn't feel like wading through the Campfire drivel. Suffice it to say that it wouldn't surprise me one bit if some here ran with that, but I'll add that it's my sincere hope that y'all are smarter than that....?

So Dowd is out. His weird "I pray..." fiasco was a peek behind the chaos curtain though, wasn't it. Yes it was.

My thoughts of the moment are that things will be coming to a head in the next month or so. Mueller has done a fantastic job of managing a "no leaks" investigation, so I'm just going by the level of obvious panic in Trumpland and by folks like Hicks abandoning ship. She'll be a playa in the upcoming dramas; for instance she was involved in Trump drafting the patently dishonest statement about the meeting at Trump Tower. My guess is she's been flipped, or will soon. She's not going to prison for the best years of her life to protect a 71 year old billionaire (sic) serial liar. At a bare minimum she's trying to limit further legal liabilities. Smart gal, round heels notwithstanding.

Again, you guys are living in a separate reality so I don't know exactly how you are being manipulated by FOX et al. For instance, did you know that it's unlikely that Mueller will actually subpoena Trump, and do you know why that is? Did you catch the utterly specious basis for Napolito's supposed argument a couple days ago? Kinda doubt it but I hope your brains are still functioning well enough to see that kind of thing even through the propaganda. Make no mistake, you are being manipulated just as much if not more so that the Left ever was by the MSM. Do you realize this? Would you admit it if you did? Do you even CARE or has the hot blood of tribalism dinned your ears?

I'll wrap by saying for about the 10th time that I'm not a supporter of an obstruction charge unless it's some seriously egregious stuff. I'll still admit to the possibility that this is an innocent man who's personality has led him to a perilous place. That's not what I think is the case; but it's possible.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two