Howdy friends! Top o' the morning to ya. smile smile smile

Isn't the political dysfunction in DC just a hoot to witness? If nothing else the last few years have been highly entertaining. However this all shakes out I think we can all agree that we've gotten our money's worth in that sense.

I'm sure everyone has noted that Roger Stone, he of the Nixon tattoo on his back (can we all agree: uh, ick?) (also, if it's a tramp-stamp, that's just WEIRD) was indicted today for what's become the standard menu of lawbreaking from this crew. Also, I'm sure you've all noted the White House response which, due to the sheer volume of indictments of this type, has become rote. But in the spirit of cooperation as we work together to find the truth, practicing nonconfrontationalism as we go, you might not have noticed this. So I'm just helping out my brothers from other mothers here, in case you didn't. Bolding mine.

In the court documents, the special counsel's office wrote that after WikiLeaks began releasing internal Democratic National Committee emails in the summer of 2016, an unidentified "senior Trump campaign official was directed to contact Stone about any additional releases and what other damaging information [Wikileaks] had regarding the Clinton Campaign."
"Stone thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by [Wikileaks]," prosecutors say.

See, I have to wonder. Who exactly "directs" a senior campaign official? But that's just me being, I dunno, all weird and conspiratorial probably.

Have a GREAT weekend, fellas! smile smile

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two