Originally Posted by curdog4570
Jeff, in your early years on this forum you provided the rest of us with a lot of humor due to your naivety regarding all things concerning shooting, hunting, and other outdoor pursuits. When you exposed your ignorance on those matters with some stupid post, you took the ribbing in a good natured way. Some of us even stuck up for you when the insults directed at you were excessive and personal.

You have grown, but in the wrong direction.

None of your posts nowadays show any original thinking, they are just Chris Matthews regurgitated talking points.

You deserve the verbal abuse being heaped on you and continuing to post on this forum just reveals that there is something bad wrong with you.


Curdog, I remember from then, and I've noted again recently, that you are a stalwart for civil discourse. Good on ye.

To your point, we are ALL regurgitating here. None of us actually know [bleep] other than what our choice of media is telling us and how we choose to connect the dots in front of us. I believe the majority here are connecting them wrong, mostly because their palette of dots is limited due to them pre-filtering what they are willing to read. So, we all are casting the tea leaves or spilling the cat entrails and making a call as to our interpretation. That's what I'm doing. That's ALL I'm doing. However I'm doing it with persistence, which is being mischaracterized as arrongance, and so I'm getting the standard Campfire toolkit thrown at me. The only thing missing is a certain somebody trying to set me off by insulting my wife. It doesn't matter. I have very thick skin these days or I wouldn't be here.

So, I'm expressing my opinion here, and I'm trying to keep it mostly contained to this thread so that folks can choose to read it, or not. If you choose to read it, that's your call. If it hurts your head, don't read it. I'm not going to stop saying it. Why? Two reasons. First, I think I'm correct. I think Trump and/or campaign associates did collude with Russia to attempt to affect the election. And second, because this is something that people here need to hear! Echo chambers are a harsh mistress when it turns out they are wrong, and many here are stuck in one. I'm trying to HELP. I really am.

If it turns out I'm wrong, I'll own that. Same way I owned it a few days ago when I crossed my own personal line about name-calling (it sure wasn't a line that exists here on the Fire!) and publically apologized to Jorge. Maybe I AM wrong and it's you guys reading the tea leaves correctly and ME in an echo chamber! That's a possibility I'm trying to be open to. Can "you" collectively say the same?

I'm off to make some dough. Got a vexing issue with customer-supplied crappy steel that has hard inclusions that are giving my tooling fits. Gotta try some custom grinds on cutters... hopefully.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two