Raeford, I know about process crimes. While the term is meant by you to minimize the apparent severity of same, they are in fact highly consequential in this instance for several reasons. First, the alleged conspiracy is literally a threat to our very democracy; therefore obstructing the understanding and prosecution of same matters large. Second, since a sitting POTUS can't be indicted (probably), prosecutors have to approach the crime obliquely. Third, since the apparent ringleader-- POTUS-- is the nominal head of law enforcement in America the very existence of a huge cloud of lies and outright obstructionist behaviors across a small army of individuals close to said POTUS is, shall we say noteworthy.

Friend Raeford, I hope that helped YOU understand "process crimes" as they relate to this current moment. If not, feel free to PM me and I'll be glad to help you understand, and all in a very nonconfrontational manner.

But that's not why I chose to burn a few minutes here tonight on this wonderful discussion forum. I just wanted to point something out in case you guys had missed it, or, in your partisan blood frenzy, didn't give it proper weight. I don't mean "partisan blood frenzy" confrontationally, it's just my attempt to encapsulate what I'm seeing here. If it's an offensive term, please let me know how you'd LIKE to be described when you are foaming at the mouth and acting irrationally. I aims to please.

ANYway, silly me, I digress. Just wanted to point out what might've seen like just a lil ol' nuthin to you fellas, but in fact is an interesting semantics "tell"... to wit:

"....the question, and the big thing, is that the Mueller investigation is supposed to center on is whether or not the president in some outrageous way colluded with Russia and the answer to that is no.”

That's the esteemable Ms. Sanders. In the least confrontationalistic way possible, I just want to point out that goalpost has been moved yet again. Now we need "outrageous" collusion to move the needle, says Ms. Sanders. Also, she's factually incorrect WRT to Mueller's mandate.

Make of that what you will, my good and dear friends. smile smile smile smile

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two