Trump let Comey slide for a time. He had an administration to set up and other things to do. Meanwhile Sessions jumped ship and recused himself allowing Rosenstein to appoint Muller to investigate Trump and his entire administration for anything he could find.

Truth tell nearly the entire chain of command needs to go at the FBI, CIA, DOJ and just about every other department. Most of the departments need to go.

Mueller has nothing. He has indicted a lot of people around Trump for various alleged reasons not pertaining to the original charge. Were I Trump I'd not answer any question from Muller or any of his team about anything including what I had for breakfast. Screw em. That is entrapment 101 and any question Trump might answer that any other person might have answered differently will be grounds for indictment. Doesn't have to be anything provable. It just a gotch ya thing.

After the mid-terms Mueller is going to have to pound sand. If the democrats take over he will likely stay forever as a fourth branch of government sucking tax dollars off to attack every republican he can get his hands on while ignoring the democrat's gorilla in the room.