Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Russia hacked into Hilary's unsecured server

Not at all. Totally untrue.

The "hacking" of John Podesta's emails wasn't a hack at all. It was a phishing scam. Podesta got a fake 'security alert, change your password now' phishing email that took him to a fake site that looked like a real password reset page. He entered his password to change it and bam!, whoever sent the phishing email got access to ALL of his emails. Podesta is an idiot.

So far we've not seen Julian Assange OR Wikileaks caught in a lie or publishing false information, so when Assange says the Russians didn't give Wikileaks the Podesta emails I will take that at face value until proven otherwise.

Regardless, if it was the Russians, it wouldn't make any difference than had it been Project Veritas' James O'Keefe. Just shedding light on the truth via investigative journalism. It doesn't matter what/who the source is, the info is real.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
