<in July 2018>, Fox News contributor Guy Benson asked Giuliani, “Regardless of whether collusion would be a crime, is it still the position of you and your client that there was no collusion with the Russians whatsoever on behalf of the Trump campaign?”
“Correct,” Giuliani responded.

Ok, let's just pretend for a moment that they weren't just lying their fool heads off about campaign collusion until it was just rammed up their lying asses by Mueller that indeed there WAS, and lots of it. It's a lot to ask, I know, I know, but let's pretend.

If we grant them that, then the inescapable conclusion is that the investigation is NOT a witch hunt, because it's now been revealed that unbeknownst to our noble, honest POTUS (PINO, actually, but remember we are in make-believe here), who would never ever EVER conspire with evil Russia to hork the election, HIS CAMPAIGN WAS DOING JUST THAT. Ergo, not a witch hunt at all. Rather, the Deep State is HELPING Mr. Trump root out this criminality in his campaign that he, in his patriotic fervor, didn't even know existed until this very moment!

He should, in that case, be publically thanking the Angry Democrats today. Is he?

Of course, he isn't. PINO is a lying sack of [bleep]. His own lawyer now having conceded campaign collusion publically, and more on that below.... his presidency now hangs by a single solitary and very thin thread: that he never knew. Never. That there isn't one single piece of evidence that he knew, ever.

Hint: that's farcical on the face of it; he not only knew, he directed it.

On Giuliani, what a freaking clown show this so-called lawyer is. Fücknut can NOT keep his mouth shut and it keeps burning them. Birds of a feather flock together I guess, but WOW.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two