It's getting bad. Erickson takes a big swing:

"Erickson knows one of the sources and supports their decision to go to the media, he wrote Tuesday in a blog post for his website, The Resurgent.
“This is a real problem and I treat this story very seriously because I know just how credible, competent, and serious — as well as seriously pro-Trump, at least one of the sources is,” Erickson wrote.
“You can call these sources disloyal, traitors, or whatever you want,” he added. “But please ask yourself a question — if the President, through inexperience and ignorance, is jeopardizing our national security and will not take advice or corrective action, what other means are available to get the President to listen and recognize the error of his ways?”

While I personally oppose some of Trumps campaign planks, such as the retarded wall, I support others and was hoping that he'd turn out to do at least SOME good things. But my biggest concern was that his personality and persona were utterly unsuited for this job. The guy is a consummate bullshitter and that, plus a couple hundred million $$ stake from Daddy, allowed him to do some impressive things in the business world. The bullshitting also served him well on the campaign trail, where he was able to play on the fears and despair of a segment of society in real trouble by making completely farcical promises that they (looking at some of YOU!) lapped up like pablum. But in the office of POTUS itself, it's a [bleep] disaster. It's worse than I'd imagined it could be. He has apparently risen to his level of incompetence.

This will not end well. frown

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two