Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Now D.C. is abuzz that Mr. Trump will force out Sessions & Rubenstien so as to do an AG recess appointment, so as to avoid the need for Senste approval.

But he's innocent. I mean, it's NOT that Mueller et al have got his crew by the short hairs; that'd be a ridiculous conclusion here. That's just those delusional Democrats and their alternative reality. Mmm hmm. That's the ticket. crazy

I'll say one thing for this clown- he's entertaining! He may suck major ass at being POTUS, but being scandalously entertaining in a Kardashian kind of way is something he's GREAT at. Too bad that doesn't translate to being even a competatnt POTUS.

He's screwed either way but if he goes after Mueller it'll happen even faster. Unlike the 35% of America with their head up Putin's ass, some Republicans have a spine... and some patriotism. But that won't stop Clown Shoes from going after Mueller anyway. He's like a moth to the flame.

Mueller = decorated combat Marine who served with honor and earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart then served under POTUS's of both parties with distinction. Trump = lying sack of draft-dodging shït who serves only his own orange self. I'll take Mueller. Do as you see fit on this one.

And yeah, I've been proven right on all this.... and that will only continue in the coming weeks/months (he doesn't have years). Read it and weep fellas.


Have you made any predictions since the election season began in 2015 that proved to be accurate? Just curious if any of your political insight proved to be correct?
