Originally Posted by MikeReilly
Anyone can see that the "is Putin paying Trump" thing is BS. Trump doesn't need money. Maybe Putin has some dirt on Trump, but until that's verified, it's just speculation with little behind it. Some of these other allegations might have traction, but it remains to be seen. At this time it's all hat no cattle - but it should be looked in to diligently to either restore confidence in the President or to bury him - based on facts rather than wishful thinking. The problem with a lot of this kind of issue is that both sides are so entrenched that it's not about facts or truth, it's about being a believer. A believer believes everything that backs up his beliefs and ignores everything that contradicts them. There's no point in talking to believers of either side of an issue like this.

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two