"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics — and it went nowhere,”

Welp..... actually, dumbphück, presidential candidates do NOT knowingly meet with Russian Intelligence agents. Full stop.

But that's not the truly wack thing about this tweet. In it, he directly contradicts.... wait for it.... himself! And if the initial statement he dictated ("it was about adoption") isn't now clearly shown BY TRUMP HIMSELF to be an attempt at obstruction then I don't know what it takes.

Gotta give him points for pure audacity, but his seeming belief that he can just talk his way out of anything, any lie, even when PROVING HIMSELF A LIAR WITH HIS OWN WORDS, is off the charts. It's almost like the man believes his supporters are a buncha retar........ oh, wait a minute. Forgot who I was dealing with here. blush

Carry on.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two