Matt Flynn! Good one. smile

Jorge- I'll dig back to the post I made with definitions of collusion etc and we'll formally make the bet, assuming you agree to the definitions etc.

Slow news day in Trumpland, which I think is a good thing for him. It's a good opportunity to further address something that seems to mystify some of you, as evidenced by multiple repeats of the same basic question, which is how did the Russians affect the election anyway? At first I was kinda disbelieving that it was a serious question but as we've conversed it's become clear to me just how far into a bubble some here are, and combined with the white-hot hatred of Hillary that had decades to ripen, I guess I can understand? Anyway, I'm just a regular dude, and it's far beyond my pay grade to understand much less explain the full effects of the Ruski interference; that'll get sorted out by academics and government commissions or whomever over the coming decades. And it's irrelevant anyway in terms of what happens next in the "fall of Trump"; the election won't be reversed or done over, nor should it be.

But I thought this story might help illuminate things for a few of you. One of the more brilliant things the Russians did, other than the fake news they managed to dupe you suckers guys with, was to greatly amplify "the emails" as a campaign negative. They did this with relentless and carefully-timed releases of hacked DNC emails; but the effect was to blur, confuse, and finally just overwhelm people with "Hillary's email problem". Remember, her REAL email problem was because she used a private server when SoS; the hacked DNC stuff was completely seperate from that and really, not a big deal to HER. But Russia succeeded in blurring it all into one big constant "the emails" stank. This article illuminates that very well:

I can tell you that this had a very tangible effect on the electorate based on conversations I had with my liberal friends. By election time, most of them were voting for her anyway (but importantly-- not all!) but were just fatigued and worn down about "the emails" and quite negative towards her. This is LIBERALS. Now imagine swing voters. Take Wiki and Russia out of the equation and "the emails" mayhem would've been confined to the usual sources- the FBI, and the nutjob alt.right. The former generally plays fair in elections, generally, and the latter are easily dismissed as partisan idiots being partisan idiots (no offense, guys, just the truth), so I can say with certainty that the Russians DID effect the election, I saw it happening.

(Remember, up until the debates I was still trying to convince folks around here to at least give Trump a thoughtful listen... after he showed himself to be a joke in the debates, I gave up on THAT. But prior, I was actively engaging a number of my liberal friends; I had my finger of the pulse so to speak. )

So in my mind there are two really important reasons why it matters if the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. First, it did affect and likely SWUNG the election. Trumps margin was what, ~ 75k swing voters in 3 states? That's RAZOR thin. So, if he/they colluded, then they cheated. In America we void victories via cheating because, well, that's what honorable people DO (Bigfish, that's not you). Trump doesn't get to be POTUS if he cheated that badly. Period. Second, any members of the campaign who did so are compromised. Again, period. Mic drop. End of story. Russia has immense leverage on them. Or, to allow the benefit of the doubt, Russia WOULD have enormous leverage on them should this turn out to be the case.

If you are skeptical about my second point, ask yourselves this- Would Jorge have accepted a commander of his aircraft carrier who became commander by colluding with Russian intelligence to take out his rivals on his way up the ladder? I'll let him answer that. But if that wouldn't be ok, why would it be ok if HIS commander (the POTUS) did it?

I will educate y'all further as time allows today. This is like teaching Remedial Politics for Retards but if this is my row to hoe, so be it.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two