Howdy my good friends of the Campfire! Been a while.

Didn't read back to see how the circle-jerk has been going, but I trust you've all been taking good care of each other?

Not a ton to say today, as it's gorgeous here and I have mucho better things to do, but HOLLY CARP are the wheels coming off the Trump-cart! Wow. I saw today that he's equating Clinton taking down Sanders in some dirty primary pool to, oh I dunno, colluding with our chief global strategic rival to corrupt an election and damage our democracy! crazy

There's never been a POTUS, or for that matter a political party, that aligns with my mix of beliefs. I take the good, bitch about the bad, and watch in dismay as we slowly spin down the toilet as a nation. But I'm starting to think there ain't gonna BE ANY good with this administration. The dude just does not give enough of a [bleep] about the major issues to even reach functional literacy on them! Have you all just forgotten all the grandiose promises he made as a candidate, you know, the ones that had your panties around your ankles? Do you even CARE? Or have you devolved into pure partisanship (uh... yeah, you have)?

Anyway. Just noting that the dumbfück reality-TV NYC elitist political chameleon is showing us his ass on a daily basis. He. Just. Doesn't. Get. It.

And he's not gonna.

Still calling that he/his campaign will be shown to have colluded by November 2018. Bank it.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two