Originally Posted by westside_benny
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
I'm confident there will be collusion shown by campaign members, which is why my offer to bet ANYONE (other than bigfish) still stands.. Clearly they've got something there. It may even make it up to Trump via Kushner. We'll see.

The bigger question is "then what?!" So let's say tomorrow Mueller shows that (say) Manaforte was feeding Russia data on who to target in the swing states with the fake news- which we now know they did, meaning they did target specific groups- then what? Unless Trump was proved to be involved, he's not going down for it, nor should he. Throwing Manaforte in jail doesn't undo an ill-gotten election. Really, what may end up mattering the most is how folks react to it in '18. If Republicans give any HINT of not being outraged... they'll pay at the ballot box. They will anyway if Trump is still in office because the voters will want to counterbalance him, plus, it ain't like the Repub majority is showing us much. sick

Russia is, of course, the big winner; they've completely spun our heads around as a nation and have us fighting with each and navel-gazing... The only other "winning" so far is gun owners, I suppose, since we at least didn't end up with Horrible Hillary. I'll take the SCOTUS appointment as THE ONLY good thing to come out of this Trump bidness so far. It's not a small thing to win.

Highlighted the 'important' part...and I'm you huckleberry. So, time to draw down. What is YOUR bet.

Jeff0 is too much of a pussy to bet me because I specified EXACT terms. Notice his little renege on Jorge was over terms about bullets vs. ammunition/cartridges? Then when Jorge offered bullets Jeff0 still would not pay up? My terms were clear (no dig at Jorge) and Jeff won't take his giant black dilldo and go home if he loses- he's determined to find another guy to play swords with here. We all know Jeff0 is a pussy and will never hold up his end of a bet. Ever. Plus why would you want Jeff0 to know your address? At least use a PO box but he'll never pay up anyways. Doubt he'll ever accept your bet either.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
