Originally Posted by local_dirt

Looks good, FG! I love those little buggers. Guess what I had for lunch yesterday at a new Mexican Mom & Pop I found on Yelp. smile

I've had a tough time growing cilantro because I tend to overwater it and it doesn't like that here. I do love the stuff, though. And will look for reasons to use it in recipes.

FG, the way these rellenos were done was to wrap the stuffed peppers in something like a crepe, more sauce and cheese over the top and roast in the oven. Darn good.

[Linked Image]

The recipe I used said to make the dip by whipping the egg whites and then add the yolks. They actually came out like their picture but the best I've had had a thicker breading.....kinda chicken fried for lack of a better description. I plan to look around the web for a better batter and try again.........soon!!!......because other than the batter they were great. Matter of fact I'm having the leftovers tonight......can't wait.