Originally Posted by FieldGrade
Not dinner but I made Biscuits and Tomato Gravy for breakfast.
I'd never heard of it but I ran across a recipe the other day and had to try some.
Boy am I glad I did. It's a bit of a PITA to make due to all the ingredients but well worth it.
I left the Bacon I cooked to make the drippings in the gravy (who in their right mind wouldn't) and omitted the Celery Seed because I didn't have any but it didn't seem to hurt it.

Any of you southern boys make Tomato Gravy.....if not you should.


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Sometime back someone, maybe Denny?, posted about tomato gravy. That was the first time I had heard of it.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.