Originally Posted by jpb
Originally Posted by Valsdad
Pastitsio last night, with lefotvers for tonight:

I had to do an internet search to find out what pastitsio was.

The first link I clicked on was a recipe which 869 of 926 users (94%) had given a rating of 5 out of 5 stars.

It is rare to see such agreement on anything on the internet!

I've saved the recipe... looks like some pastitio is in my future! LINK to RECIPE

This is a VERY professional website with LOTS of great-looking Greek recipes, well worth a visit. He even has a YouTube channel for those who prefer watching a video to reading a recipe.

Also, under the clickable link "Useful" there are complete conversion charts to go from metric to American units.

Thanks Valsdad!


Use ground lamb instead of ground beef. It gives it a much more robust flavor that goes well with the bechamel sauce.