It's right up your alley Jud. One of my fave's I've done so far on this pellet grill. It's and easy deal, especially if I can pull it off.

Cut boneless pork butt into 1' x1' cubes. Trim fat as you wish.
Apply favorite rub/seasoning
Throw on smoker at 225* until internal temp of 185*
Pull, apply BBQ sauce and some brown sugar, stirr 'em around good so all will get coated well.
Put back in smoker, crank up temp if you can, until an internal temp of 207*
Take 'em off and attack! I like 207* because they are just short of falling apart, but have a real nice bark.
Enjoy. I bet you'll love 'em.

Last edited by JGRaider; 05/19/20.

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