Originally Posted by Judman
Who’d you hunt with down there? We used to hunt bear with some boys down there. Blankenship was one. Another ol boy from sweet Home, Johnny... can’t remember his last name

Anyhow I drive by your place a couple times a year, I’ll drop a batch off for ya next time

I've been racking my brain for about an hour now and for the life of me I can't remember his last name (old timers disease).....first name was Tod.
We met at a party at a mutual friend in Carson City NV's house and got to talking about hunting.
I had never hunted Bear and he had never hunted Mule Deer but we both wanted to so we planned a couple of hunts.
That went on for about five years with both of us having success but life got in the way and we lost touch.
His parents were just great.....his mom picked berries and had a fresh pie waiting in camp at the end of the day and his step father was the best woodsman I've ever met. He had the #4 OR Black Bear record (at that time?) hanging on his wall.