LOL those who "know things" bailing out while the getting is still good. This is gonna leave a mark.

Haven't said this in a while. It's still as true as the first time I said it, right here, archived on this thread forever: if Trump is innocent then this is indeed the biggest deep-state coup in history and would rate as a true 2nd Amendment moment. Right there with ya on that. On the other hand, if he's GUILTY, then this is one of the great victories of the rule of law, and of the American Constitution, and of the institutions that since resulted, over a traitor to the very idea of democracy.

And clearly, he's guilty.... or if he ain't, then he's the best POTUS in the history of the world at acting guilty. crazy If you don't realize YET that this guy is a narcissistic lying sack who will say and do ANYTHING if he thinks it benefits HIM (he's also the "healthiest candidate in the history of the world!") then you deserve what's about to happen to what's left of your political credibility.

Prediction: clearly things are at a crises point in Trumpland. He'll make the only move he's got left soon enough, which will be some kind of machination of dubious legality to try to remove Rosenstien and Mueller. It's all he's got. It's the last desperate act of a guilty man. And you dumb addled sheeple [bleep] will be right here cheering it on.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two