Originally Posted by greydog
There may well exist within you a small reservoir of knowledge, but your offensive language and bombastic approach to communication does a great job of concealing it; if it does, indeed, exist. GD


You are reliably a clueless whining [bleep],bent on talking out her ass,about those things you know the least about. Dumb as you are(which is on an order of magnitude,that is very [bleep] impressive),you know better than to even begin to dabble particulars. Few can botch sooooooo many things,as reliably as you and your incessant unsatiable desire,to reiterate ad nauseum your sheer and utter cluelessness,is always appreciated from a comedic standpoint. Bless your heart.

Feel free to cite wherever you THINK I've been "mistaken" and I'll happily reciprocate if only in fairness,to denote the first time you are right about something. I get it,that all you shoot is your mouth and that you are doing the best you can,with what little you've got to work with,so please do not infer that I wish to have you clam up...if only because your "experience","knowledge" and "firsthand" accountings are so very [bleep] hilarious!

Swing for the fence Toots and shoot for the stars.



I savvy all of it and have more than one chambering in multiple rifles,with different shank denotations,if only because schit like that cracks me up.

The 204 can't begin to hang on any level,so is never even a consideration,due them inherent concessions.

Bullets will always matter more than headstamps.



It is nice to source Commercial brass for well under $100 per 1K,delivered to the doorstep. Never a bad thing either,that same will happily feed a plethora of wares in both the Parent and Improved version(s),including boltguns and Krunchentickers. Only a fool would purposely scheme a way to miss that boat.

I realize that it has become seemingly trendy as of late,to devise all sorts of reasons to not shoot...but you'll have to forgive my dipping into the shadows at the Station,so as to preclude boarding that train. A very wise man once said,that the more you shoot,the "luckier" you get and such things is beyond refute. We in the business call that purty [bleep] good "odds".

Though I do enjoy the hoops the Do-Nothing Gang will happily jump through,to preclude actually shooting,if only to bolster their Imagination and Pretend.

I'm with ya',in hoping poor dumb 'dog is foolish enough to try too.
